Monday, December 9, 2013

Greatness started here: Pearl Harbor (85HQ Photos)

Greatness started here: Pearl Harbor (85HQ Photos)

Link to theBRIGADE

Greatness started here: Pearl Harbor (85HQ Photos)

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 11:28 AM PST


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Best links on the internet

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 11:00 AM PST


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Photo of the Day (Click here for High-Res Photo)

Posted: 08 Dec 2013 08:15 PM PST


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User submit: Motor T Platoon “running convoys 24/7″ (31 Photos)

Posted: 08 Dec 2013 08:11 PM PST

So my platoon and I were in Afghanistan at a few different FOBs, bouncing around, transporting gear, trucks, supplies, you name it, we brought it.  We were a Motor T Platoon and ran convoys 24/7.  Sometimes sleeping inside the trucks (see 'in the truck') for up to 14 days at a time, while being outside the wire in a bad place.  Just about everyone of us, including myself, hit at least 1 IED (btw F**K THAT).  But we still found time to enjoy the Scenery (see 'Wanna Get Away') and helped us Keep Calm and Chive On!

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Puma IFV is coming at you in high-res (37 HQ Photos)

Posted: 08 Dec 2013 08:08 PM PST


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User submit: Tara doesn’t let an unfortunete diagnoses keep her from the range (8 Photos)

Posted: 08 Dec 2013 08:04 PM PST

As you can see, one of my favorite past times is obviously shooting. I use it as a stress relief. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and also around the time my husband started pushing me to shoot more. I was not the greatest at first but now am getting really good, and enjoying getting out as much as possible. Which if I push hard enough is every weekend.    My husband, my dogs, and my guns are pretty much my life. My husband thinks the guns are his, but they aren't :) Many of them are mine. Many of them are pink. Except my Glock. She stays black.     I can shoot, and am proud of it.     I enjoy the Chive and the Berry as well as the Brigade. The Chive nation truly inspires me, especially when I see how the Chive Charities has helped folks with much worse diseases beyond what I can even imagine.     A proud Nevadan Chivette,    Tara

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