Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chivers, meet Erin (26 Photos)

Chivers, meet Erin (26 Photos)

Link to theCHIVE

Chivers, meet Erin (26 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:05 AM PDT

erin-chivette-15Erin's smile has dominated theCHIVE over the past two weeks. Normally, I receive dozens of 'MOAR' emails alerting me to the necessity to make somebody the Chivette of the Week but, in Erin's case, my co-workers badgered me to no end. Mac the Intern cried at his desk all day, even more than usual, until I told him that Erin had sent her photos in. Not that I needed to be badgered of course, Erin's appearance as the Chivette of the Week was an easy call. I'll let her take it from here:
My name is Erin and I'm a college student living smack dab in the middle of the US. I'm currently studying digital film production and I'm hoping to take that to amazing places. I LOVE music, specifically live music. I believe no concert is too far away and the more random the concert, the more fun it will be. I love being around people and my friends are the most important things to me. I'm an outdoors girl; I grew up fishing and I love running and hunting. This year will also mark my 15th year riding horses. Bragging time: I'm a kick-ass baker. It's one of my favorite things to do. I guarantee you I make the best chocolate chip cookie you've never had. It'll change your life, pinky swear. When I'm not on a walk, baking, or studying, I love to paint. I paint to calm myself down, to help me escape from whatever is happening at that exact moment. I believe in love! I believe in smiling. And I believe in Chiving. If you can't tell from the photos below, I'm serious about my Chivin' and I'm proud to be a part of this community. I am soooo honored to be the Chivette of the week. Love you all. Chive on!

Animals have a deep capacity for love (Video)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 11:01 AM PDT


Celebrities that look like zombies (25 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:47 AM PDT

Keith Richards

You’re all gonna die! The humanity!! (21 photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:59 AM PDT


Japan is creating creepy hyperreal 3D face replicas. No surprise here (12 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:49 AM PDT

A Japanese company called REAL-f is creating so-called 3DPFs (

Whatever happens, don’t say Awww: Soda can edition (19 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:33 AM PDT


Awesome dog is awesome (28 photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:28 AM PDT


Celebs burn their bras just like you (32 photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:05 AM PDT


Sweaters are making a big comeback, dammit (30 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:01 AM PDT


Chive Everywhere (64 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 06:03 AM PDT


Some of the most clever bus stop ads on the planet (28 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 01:02 AM PDT


Redheads are work productivity quicksand to me (36 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 01:01 AM PDT


Things that generally shouldn’t get X-Rayed get exactly that (19 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 01:00 AM PDT

strange-x-rayed, objects, x rayed7

How many LSU cheerleaders we got on this ship? (78 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:06 AM PDT


Daily Morning Awesomeness (20 Photos)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:02 AM PDT


Insane base jump off hotel elevator (Video)

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 12:01 AM PDT


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